Social changes, information technologies, cultural trends, environmental issues… Many new challenges have emerged, and in the corporate world, professional paths are evolving, and careers do change.

Our Mission

Created in 1993, CEBIG (”Centre d’expertise en bilans de compétences” – Centre of Expertise in Skills Assessment) offers a range of tools (assessment, advice, tests). With these tools:


  • We help individuals give meaning to their career, evolve, and turn career transitions into development opportunities.


  • We assist businesses in developing and managing their human resources. From recruitment to job profiles definition, and also for career mobility and restructuring, CEBIG acts as a long-term partner, focussed on meeting businesses’ specific needs.

Our values


CEBIG’s Charter

Logo de l'institution EduquaCertified since 2003

Our partners

CEBIG also brings together all partners involved in employment and professional training, through our Association (ACEBIG – Association pour le Centre de Bilan Genève)

  • Geneva Government entities :
    Public Education Department (”Département de l’instruction publique, de la formation et de la jeunesse” – DIP),
    Economic Development Department (“Département du développement économique” –DDE),
    Social Cohesion Department (“Département de la cohésion sociale” – DCS)
  • Trade association : “Union des associations patronales genevoises” – UAPG
  • Trade unions association: “Communauté genevoise d’action syndicale” – CGAS


CEBIG is financially supported by the Foundation for Professional Training (”Fondation pour la formation professionnelle et continue” – FFPC).