Skills assessment

Assessing the situation. Getting directions. Making decisions.

When it’s time to think about career orientations or career changes, a skills assessment will provide much-needed situation awareness.  Through learning more about yourself, assessing your resources and your values, and restoring some meaning to your activities, skills assessments uncover new possibilities and help better define career orientations and professional paths.

The process

Requirement Analysis

Clarifying requirements and expectations
Understanding the process
Defining the skills assessment’s objectives

Icône illustrant une flèche en direction du bas


Career path analysis
Competencies inventory
Personality profile
Identifying interests, motivations, and values

Icône illustrant une flèche en direction du bas

Synthesis and exploration

Determining the profile’s key elements and analysing career perspectives

Icône illustrant une flèche en direction du bas

Career project

Formalizing the results, action plan

Our offers

Group workshop

This support process uses exchanges and experience sharing to foster individual thought and reflection.


Target audience

Suitable to all individuals with previous professional experience



Contact us by phone to make an appointment with one of our skills assessment consultants (requirement analysis)


Skills assessment process

7 days Group workshops, plus 4 personal interviews, over a 5 weeks period



Starting from CHF 750.- + VAT (subsidies may apply, depending on relevant taxation Canton)*

*The Yearly Training Grant ( “Chèque annuel de formation”) may be used 

*For employees of a Geneva Canton based company,  this personal financing is complemented by a subsidy from the Foundation for Professional and Continuous Training (”Fondation pour la Formation Professionnelle et continue” – FFPC)

Personal Assessment

A fully individual support


Target audience

Suitable to all individuals with previous professional experience



Contact us by phone to make an appointment with one of our Skills Assessment Consultants (requirement analysis)


Skills assessment process

5 personal interviews, over a period of 2 to 4 months



Starting from CHF 750.- + VAT (subsidies may apply, depending on relevant taxation Canton)*

*For employees of a Geneva Canton based company,  this personal financing is complemented by a subsidy from the Foundation for Professional and Continuous Training (”Fondation pour la Formation Professionnelle et continue” – FFPC).