
Activities Report

The CEBIG (Centre de Bilan Genève) was established in 1993. It is intended to facilitate personal and professional skills management, and to offer solutions  whatever the person’s situation (employed or unemployed), skill level, or position within their organisation.

CEBIG in facts :

  • Over 1500 skills assessments completed each year
  • A multidisciplinary team – complete with career counsellors psychologists, occupational psychologists and occupational training instructors – with specific and constantly updated training in the field of skills assessments.
  • Extensive experience in dealing with occupational integration and career management
  • Close co-operation with local and global companies from a wide variety of sectors, such as Finance, Watchmaking, Media, Health, Industry, Humanitarian Aid, as well as various Geneva government agencies
  • Development of specific services, tailored to both individuals and businesses
  • An extended network of professional experts
  • Scientifically proven methods and tools


2023 Activities Report in french

2022 Activities Report in french

2021 Activities Report in french

Evaluation CEBIG 2024 in french

CEBIG in the media

“Réorientation professionnelle: quel accompagnement?”
in Entreprise Romande, April 3rd, 2024

“Même entreprise, autre poste”
Newspaper, Le Temps, July 2nd, 2021

“De chef à «simple» employé, une transition à contre-courant”
Newspaper, Le Temps, April 23rd, 2021

“Le gouffre étourdissant des heures de travail perdues”
Newspaper, Le Temps, February 8th, 2021

“Suivez le guide vers votre nouvelle carrière”
Newspaper, Le Temps, March 22nd, 2019

“Le Centre de Bilan de Genève fête ses 20 ans”
Newspaper, Tribune de Genève, December 18th, 2013 (PDF)

“Renforcer son employabilité et dynamiser sa carrière”
Newspaper, Tribune de Genève, June 19th, 2013 (PDF)

“Le bilan de compétences renforce l’estime de soi”
Magazine, Panorama 1/2012 (PDF 227 K)..

“Reconversion professionnelle – La clé c’est de rester curieux”
Magazine, Le Courrier 4/2007 (PDF)

“Des outils au service des individus et des entreprises”
Magazine, Panorama 4/2007 (PDF 224 K)..

“10 ans d’expérience en bilan de compétences”
Magazine, Panorama 3/2004.